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Fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2024
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2023
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2022
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2021
Corporate policies, reports and plans
View Coastal Ferry Act and related documents
An unofficial consolidated working copy of the contract has been prepared for reference, comprising the original contract and the changes arising from the eighteen amending agreements. Please note that the unofficial consolidated contract is not a legal document.
Performance term one:
Performance term two:
Performance term three:
Performance term four:
Performance term five:
Performance term six:
Unofficial consolidated contract
In addition to the Coastal Ferry Services Contract, BC Ferries and the Province have entered into an agreement where the Province will provide $500 million above the Coastal Ferry Services Contract levels for performance term six:
Operational statistics
Cancellation Statistics for April 2024 onwards will be located under the quarterly Sailing Statistics reports. The reports under Cancellation Statistics should be considered for historical purposes.
The following report details the number of sailings cancelled by route and yearly quarter.
The first page provides a system-wide summary for the reported period. It includes a summary of cancellations by route, a breakdown by causes and region, and a comparison to the same period from the previous year.
The subsequent pages provide more detail by route, including annual comparisons and history of previous quarters during that fiscal year.
Sailing Statistics will be posted quarterly in August, November, February and May.
The following report contains sailing statistics for the relevant Fiscal Year to date. Vehicles are measured in Automobile Equivalents (AEQ), where 1 AEQ = 6.1m x 2.6m. Further definitions are available in the report’s glossary.
These statistics are preliminary and provided only for information and may show some minor discrepancies with BC Ferries’ final financial and regulatory reports.
The traffic statistics below are preliminary and provided only for information and may show some minor discrepancies with BC Ferries’ final financial and regulatory reports.