Take advantage of savings when you book this activity. Save 10% using code "BCferries10" when you book directly on the Ocean Ecoventures website by clicking below. Ocean Ecoventures is not available to book through BC Ferries. To reserve your spot, please contact Ocean Ecoventures directly. Visit Ocean Ecoventures to book or click the button below.
No Endorsement
Any links provided on this website to third-party websites or information on third-party services, including but not limited to, businesses, accommodation, destinations, facilities, events, and activities, is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. BC Ferries does not control, monitor, or investigate third-party websites or information, and disclaims all responsibility for its accuracy, quality, and safety.
Nothing on BC Ferries website is to imply any form of endorsement, approval, sponsorship, or recommendation of third-party content or third-party services. The term 'partner' or 'partnership' as used on this website refers to collaborative or affiliate relationships and is not intended to imply a legal or formal partnership under applicable laws and does not create or imply any shared responsibility for liabilities or obligations. Any third-party activities, events, or other third-party services are sold separately from a booking with BC Ferries, regardless of any discount or affiliation. Any booking with BC Ferries is subject to the Conditions of Carriage, Rules & Regulations, and other policies at the time of booking. BC Ferries is not liable for any issues, damages, or losses that may arise in connection with booking, attending, or participating in any third-party events or activities. It is your responsibility to understand these terms and verify any information contained within linked websites before relying on it. The information contained in the links may be changed or updated at any time without notice. We recommend that you conduct your own research on the third-party, including their own policies, and exercise caution when making travel or event-related decisions.
For further details or inquiries about specific activities, events or destinations, please contact the respective third-party providers directly.