Ferry fares and fees
Fare calculator
Use our fare calculator to plan ahead.
Fare calculator Note: Motorcycle travel is currently not included in the fare calculator. View motorcycle fares for all routes.
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Use our fare calculator to plan ahead.
Fare calculator BC Seniors (BC residents who are 65 years or older) should book the BC Resident seniors fare type. Seniors (65 years or older) who are not BC residents should book the adults & seniors fare type.
Must be a resident of British Columbia. BC Seniors travel free on select routes1 Monday to Thursday2 with one of these valid IDs:
Resident discount applies to passenger fares only.
1 Free travel is not available on the North Coast, Central Coast and Haida Gwaii routes. However, there’s a reduced fare for BC Seniors on these routes.
2 BC Seniors discount is not available on the following holidays:
On the following routes, BC students 18 years and under (excluding post-secondary students)
with valid student ID, can travel free between their residence and school, and to attend school-related events:
On the following routes, BC students 18 years and under (excluding post-secondary students) with acceptable student ID can travel on school-sponsored events for a special reduced rate. Students will need a letter of authority from the BC school principal, on original school letterhead stating travel is for a school-related event. One letter is required for each vehicle and each terminal of departure.
For safety reasons, children under 12 years can't travel alone unless they are going to and from school or school-sponsored events on designated commuter routes.
We offer discounts for passengers and their escorts when a BC Ferries Accessible Fare Identification (AFI) card or a CNIB card is presented to the ticket agent on arrival at the terminal.
Read more about reduced fares for passengers with disabilities
Discounted rates are available to groups of 10 or more fare-paying passengers travelling together on foot or in one vehicle. To qualify you must reserve a minimum of seven days in advance of the scheduled departure. Group rates are offered on the following routes:
To book your group of 10 or more, submit a group booking form.
List of bookable and non-bookable routes |
Victoria (Swartz Bay) – Vancouver (Tsawwassen) | Bookable | |
Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) – Nanaimo (Departure Bay) | Bookable | |
Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) – Langdale (Sunshine Coast) | Bookable | |
Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Southern Gulf Islands [Salt Spring Island (Long Harbour), Otter Bay (Pender Island), Lyall Harbour (Saturna Island), Village Bay (Mayne Island), Sturdies Bay (Galiano Island) | Bookable | |
Port Hardy (Bear Cove) – Prince Rupert, with occasional scheduled stops at Bella Bella (McLoughlin Bay) and Klemtu *Peak season* Port Hardy (Bear Cove), Bella Bella (McLoughlin Bay), Klemtu, Prince Rupert *Off season* |
Bookable | |
Summer Central Coast direct service: Bella Coola – Port Hardy (Bear Cove) | Bookable | |
Port Hardy (Bear Cove) - Prince Rupert – Central Coast | Bookable | |
Transfer Service: Prince Rupert – Port Hardy (Bear Cove) – Bella Coola | Bookable | |
Bella Coola – Central Coast | Bookable | |
Bella Bella (McLoughlin Bay) – Shearwater | Bookable | |
Bella Bella (McLoughlin Bay) – Shearwater – Ocean Falls – Klemtu | Bookable | |
Prince Rupert - Graham Island (Skidegate) | Bookable | |
Powell River (Westview) – Comox (Little River) | Bookable | |
Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Duke Point (Nanaimo) | Bookable | |
Victoria (Swartz Bay) – Salt Spring Island (Fulford Harbour) | Non-bookable | |
Victoria (Swartz Bay) – Southern Gulf Islands [Pender Island (Otter Bay), Saturna Island (Lyall Harbour), Mayne Island (Village Bay), Galiano Island (Sturdies Bay)] | Non-bookable | |
Crofton – Salt Spring Island (Vesuvius Bay) | Non-bookable | |
Sunshine Coast (Earls Cove) – Powell River (Saltery Bay) | Non-bookable | |
Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) – Bowen Island (Snug Cove) | Non-bookable | |
Brentwood Bay – Mill Bay | Non-bookable | |
Sunshine Coast (Langdale) – Gambier Island (New Brighton) – Keats Island (Keats Landing) – Keats Island (Eastbourne) | Non-bookable | |
Powell River (Westview) – Texada Island (Blubber Bay) | Non-bookable | |
Nanaimo (Nanaimo Harbour) – Gabriola Island (Descanso Bay) | Non-bookable | |
Chemainus – Thetis Island (Preedy Harbour) – Penelakut Island (Telegraph Harbour) | Non-bookable | |
Buckley Bay – Denman Island West | Non-bookable | |
Denman Island East (Gravelly Bay) – Hornby Island (Shingle Spit) | Non-bookable | |
Campbell River – Quadra Island (Quathiaski Cove) | Non-bookable | |
Quadra Island (Heriot Bay) – Whaletown (Cortes Island) | Non-bookable | |
Port McNeill - Malcolm Island (Sointula) – Cormorant Island (Alert Bay) | Non-bookable | |
Graham Island (Skidegate) – Moresby Island (Alliford Bay) – Haida Gwaii | Non-bookable | |
Fares archive
You can purchase a short-cut ticket for travel between Brentwood Bay – Mill Bay:
Ticket books for travel between Sunshine Coast (Langdale) – Gambier Island (New Brighton) – Keats Island (Keats Landing) can be purchased at:
A receipt will be issued for all sales. If a receipt is not issued, call 1-888-BC FERRY (1-888-223-3779, Canada & USA only) and an agent will forward your request to our Revenue Department for follow up.
Cabins are available on Northern sailings on board the Northern Expedition and Northern Adventure.
Northern Expedition cabins include:
April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026 | ||
Inside cabins | $140 | |
Accessible cabins | $140 | |
Outside cabins | $165 | |
Reserved seating | $42 |
April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026 | ||
Inside cabins | $140 | |
Accessible cabins | $140 | |
Outside cabins | $165 | |
Luxury cabins | $290 |
April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026 | ||
Inside cabins | $140 | |
Accessible cabins | $140 | |
Outside cabins | $165 | |
Reserved seating | $42 |
April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026 | ||
Inside cabins | $140 | |
Accessible cabins | $140 | |
Outside cabins | $165 | |
Luxury cabins | $250 |
Get a free reservation and the best value when you book a Saver fare, or book a Prepaid fare and save on your reservation fee.
Book Saver fares in both directions, and book a Prepaid fare for departures from Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay).