We meet with these committees to discuss day-to-day operations, planned improvements, fares, service changes and new projects. Meetings, held in the spring and the fall, are open to the public to observe and learn information relevant to ferry service in the community. Look for notices on specific dates and times of a meeting in your area.
Our teams will be visiting the communities we serve to provide information and updates on topics that are important to each individual community. These sessions are a chance to hear directly from those who live, work and play in the communities we serve and for community members to connect with us face-to-face.
Discover your community page here.
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Ferry Advisory Committees
Select a region for contacts, meetings and resources:
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Malvern Glentworth
- Tyler Davenport
- Murray Atherton
- Johnathan Bell
- Fenella Jacquet
- Scott Slater
- Peter Matthews
- Alexander Kientz
- Gale Lyttle
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain James Bradley
Chair:- Dr. Ian Cameron
- Mike Biever
- Brian Harrison
- Open
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Robert Nelson
Chair:- Michael Lynch
Quadra Island
- Julie Clelland
- Kathy Sales
- Mark Lasby
- Ben Nicoll
- Jan Boas
- Uschi Koebberling
- Mike Manson
- Rod Lee
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Robert Nelson
Co-Chairs:- Sharon Cross (Penelakut Island)
- Keith Rush (Thetis Island)
Thetis Island
- Ken Hunter
- Anne-Marie Koeppen
- Joan Brown
- Joshua James
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Malvern Glentworth
Chair:- Karen Ross
Denman Island
- Jack Forsyth
- Kevin Hutton
- Lora Mercieca
- Chris Danks
- Rob Manering
- Ron Edmonds
- Rob McCreary
- Stephan Wehner
- Sandra Rutherford
- Grant Scott
- Sam Borthwick
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Malvern Glentworth
Co-Chairs:- Steve Earle
- Heather O'Sullivan
- Peter Briscoe
- Vanessa Craig
- Carly McMahon
- Peggy Richardson
- Henry Reeve
- Ivan Bulic
- Colin Robertson
- Tom Vernon
- Tyler Gray
- Susan Yates
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Hardeep Grewal
Chair:- Peter Grierson
Gambier Island
- Leanne Bruce
- Michelle Hughes
- Sophia Khan
- Terry Hall
- Trish Cowley
- John McKearney
- Elaine Colbourne
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Robert Nelson
Chairs:- Evan Putterill
Haida Gwaii
- Michelle (Ooka) Pineault
- Jim LeMottee
- Barry Cunningham
- Scott Farwell
- Sam Harrison (Klemtu)
- Rhys Nygaard (Bella Coola)
- Toni Ziganash (Ocean Falls)
- Maria Martin (Bella Bella)
- Steve Emery (Ocean Falls)
- Elizabeth Aman-Hume
- Fred Robertson
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Malvern Glentworth
Chair:- Kim Barton-Bridges
Powell River
- Kelly Keil
- Jacquie Donaldson
- Tim Larsen
- Warren Kiland
- Doug Nikirk
- Steve Hopkins
- Telis Savvaidis
- Cindy Elliot
- Larry Louis
- Jim Palm
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain James Bradley
Chair:- Harold Swierenga
- Kirk Karaszkiewicz
- Darryl Martin
- Mike Stacey
- Alan Sturgess
- Dave Toynbee
- Peter Grove
- Gabriel Wiebe
- Gary Holman
- Rob Pingle
- Laura Patrick
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Marine Superintendent
- Captain James Bradley
Chair:- David Maude
Galiano Island
- Charlene Dishaw
- Robert Alloway
- Wendy Sage-Hayward
- Mitch Taylor
- Jane Dix
- Robert Fenton
- Diana King
- Meg Ferris
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Malvern Glentworth
Chair:- Diana Mumford (604-836-9651)
- Grace Carter
- Anne Cochran
- Kim Dougherty
- Cheryl Hurlbut
- Annie Wise
- Sue Girard
- Darren Inkster
- Silas White
- Kate-Louise Stamford
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
Meeting summaries
Marine Superintendent
- Captain Robert Nelson
Chair:- Melissa Fletcher
Alert Bay
- Kane Gordan
- Dennis Buchanan
- Carmen Burrows
- Tosha Nelson
- Hans Madsen
- Michelle Carson
Next meeting
- To find out when the next FAC meeting will be held or when we will be in your community next, please visit your community page at bcferriesprojects.ca/in-your-community
- For reports and information about this route, visit the BC Ferries project page.
We're here to help. If you have any questions about the Ferry Advisory Committees, you can email us at FACinfo@bcferries.com