Email, phone & online scams
Some scammers try to sell BC Ferries reservations online that are invalid or do not exist.
The only way to guarantee a valid booking is to reserve directly on We will not honour invalid bookings.
Be on the lookout for scammers posing as legitimate BC Ferries representatives via email, phone, social media or online surveys.
We'll never call, email, ask you for payment for a winning prize, or conduct online surveys to request your personal information—including your Social Insurance Number or credit card details.
Our website is and all of our emails come from an email address ending with Check the email address before you respond and, if it's different, it's not from BC Ferries. Read more about Phishing scams in the "Email scams" section below.
If you think that you've been the target of suspicious activity, contact us and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.