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Malaspina Sky
About this ferry
The Malaspina Sky provides regular ferry service between Sunshine Coast (Earls Cove) and Powell River (Saltery Bay).

As part of our ongoing commitment to safety, operational guidelines call for regular and frequent safety drills for all crew members on every ferry.
Over 1,000 drills will be conducted this year to ensure the highest safety standards for our ferries and crews.
In the event of an emergency, always follow the instructions of ferry’s personnel.
Important: in the case of an emergency, elevators are not available and vehicle access may be prohibited.
Emergency signals
The following signals are used to crew members to an emergency:
- Fire
Continuous ringing of the alarm bell. - Person overboard
Three long soundings of the whistle and general alarm bell. Keep outer decks clear where rescue operations are underway. - Boat/Raft stations
Seven (or more) short soundings, followed by one long sounding of the ferry’s general alarm and/or whistle.
Signals will be followed by an announcement explaining the nature of the emergency. If you hear a signal, don’t panic. Our crew will take immediate charge of the situation and clearly explain exactly what to do.
There are two marine evacuation twin track slide stations, one on each side of Deck 4, the main passenger deck.
Using the same basic principles as playground slides, and looking much like them, the inflatable slides are easy for all passengers to use by sliding quickly down to a life raft.
- Each station comprises enough life rafts to evacuate 400 people, for a total evacuation capacity of 800 people
- In total, the life rafts can accommodate more people than the maximum the ferry can carry
Should there ever be a need to evacuate the ferry, crew members will direct you to an evacuation area.
Rescue boats
This ferry carries two seven-person rescue boats on Deck 5 (upper passenger deck).
Life jackets
Life jackets are stowed in clearly marked lockers on the deck.
Three sizes of life jackets are available:
- One for infants less than 33 pounds (15 kg)
- One for children up to 90 pounds (41 kg)
- One for adults
In the unlikely event of an emergency, crew members will instruct you on the proper use of your life jacket.
Fire suppression
Fire extinguishers are located in all interior and exterior passenger areas, plus:
- Manual pull alarm stations installed in passenger areas, vehicle areas and in the Engine Room
- Remotely activated fire monitors located on the vehicle deck and gallery decks, in addition to a deluge sprinkler system
Fire suppression in the Engine Room, passenger areas and crew accommodations employs a state-of-the-art Hi-Fog water mist system that produces a thick fog of tiny water droplets to smother a fire.
This ferry meets all Canadian stability requirements including the TP 10943 (SOLAS ’90 (Safety of Life at Sea)) damage stability standards for two compartment damage.
The hull is subdivided into 11 watertight compartments. Six watertight doors are fitted. Watertight integrity is monitored continuously from the bridge. All watertight opening and hatches are inspected, tested and serviced annually.
Monitoring for safety
The ferry has several controllable video cameras installed at various onboard locations, allowing the bridge crew to monitor all areas of the ferry and remotely activate safety systems quickly. The crew also maintains regular inspection rounds of the ferry during the sailing.
View the schedule for route between Sunshine Coast (Earls Cove) and Powell River (Saltery Bay).
View the schedule for route between Powell River (Westview) and Comox (Little River).
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The information on this page applies to the Island Sky only. Locations and complement of safety equipment on other ferries will vary.
Important: Ferries are periodically modified. BC Ferries does not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors in the information provided.
- Built 2008
- Overall length (m) 102.0
- Maximum displacement (t) 3437.0
- Car capacity 112
- Passenger & crew capacity 462
- Maximum speed (knots) 16.7
- Horsepower 7094
To ensure a safe and comfortable journey for all passengers, BC Ferries provides a variety of accessibility options, including discounted passenger fares, assistance getting on and off the ferry, and wheelchairs to borrow for boarding.
The Malaspina Sky has accessible washrooms on Deck 4 and an elevator on board.
During extreme weather, passenger elevators may be unavailable due to safety regulations.
If you use a wheelchair, let the agent at the ticket booth know when you arrive, and we will do our best to arrange for you to park as close as possible to the elevator.
Assistance in an emergency
If you would require assistance in the event of an emergency, inform the ticket agent at the terminal and a crew member on the ferry.
Learn more about BC Ferries accessibility
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