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Sunshine Coast (Earls Cove) to Powell River (Saltery Bay)
6:35 am | 7:25 am | 00:50 |
8:25 am | 9:15 am | 00:50 |
10:25 am | 11:15 am | 00:50 |
12:25 pm | 1:15 pm | 00:50 |
4:55 pm | 5:45 pm | 00:50 |
7:00 pm | 7:50 pm | 00:50 |
8:50 pm | 9:40 pm | 00:50 |
10:40 pm | 11:30 pm | 00:50 |
Earls Cove terminal on the Sunshine Coast is 27 km north of Madeira Park on Highway 101, a one and a half hour drive from Langdale terminal. Sailings departing from Earls Cove provide service to Saltery Bay, connecting passengers to Powell River and the Northern Sunshine Coast.
Boarding is based on order of arrival at the terminal. Check-in closes five minutes prior to the scheduled sailing for foot passengers and vehicles.
Check here for more information if travelling between Vancouver, Sunshine Coast and Texada Island.
Dangerous goods sailings information
Note: Schedules subject to change without notice.
Thru fares between Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Southern Gulf Islands
Thru fares provide an alternative way to travel between Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and the Southern Gulf Islands, via a connection at Victoria (Swartz Bay).
This is available for all passenger and vehicle types, at the same price as a direct ticket between Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and the Southern Gulf Islands.
If you are travelling thru fare, inform the ticket agent at your first departure terminal to receive a voucher that you will redeem at Victoria (Swartz Bay).
Powell River (Saltery Bay) to Sunshine Coast (Earls Cove)
5:40 am | 6:30 am | 00:50 |
7:30 am | 8:20 am | 00:50 |
9:25 am | 10:15 am | 00:50 |
11:20 am | 12:10 pm | 00:50 |
3:50 pm | 4:40 pm | 00:50 |
6:00 pm | 6:50 pm | 00:50 |
7:55 pm | 8:45 pm | 00:50 |
9:45 pm | 10:35 pm | 00:50 |
Saltery Bay terminal is located on BC’s Sunshine Coast. The terminal is a 30 minute drive from the City of Powell River. Sailings departing from Saltery Bay provide service to Earls Cove on the Sunshine Coast.
Earls Cove is a 1 hour and twenty minute drive from Langdale terminal. Sailings departing from Langdale terminal provide service to Horseshoe Bay on the Lower Mainland.
Boarding at Saltery Bay is based on order of arrival at the terminal. Check-in and ticket sales close five minutes prior to the scheduled sailing for foot passengers and vehicles.
Check here for more information if travelling between Vancouver, Sunshine Coast and Texada Island.
Dangerous goods sailings information
Note: Schedules subject to change without notice.
Thru fares between Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Southern Gulf Islands
Thru fares provide an alternative way to travel between Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and the Southern Gulf Islands, via a connection at Victoria (Swartz Bay).
This is available for all passenger and vehicle types, at the same price as a direct ticket between Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and the Southern Gulf Islands.
If you are travelling thru fare, inform the ticket agent at your first departure terminal to receive a voucher that you will redeem at Victoria (Swartz Bay).

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