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Important travel information for bookable routes
The documents linked to below apply only to customers with a confirmed booking.
Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Victoria (Swartz Bay)
Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Nanaimo (Duke Point)
Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) – Nanaimo (Departure Bay)
Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) – Sunshine Coast (Langdale)
Standard or oversized vehicle Travelling from Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) to Sunshine Coast (Langdale) only
Standard or oversized vehicle Travelling from Sunshine Coast (Langdale) to Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) only
Foot passenger groups of 10+
Groups travelling with a bus
Livestock (vehicles under 5,500 kg GVW)
Vancouver (Tsawwassen) – Southern Gulf Islands
Standard, oversized or commercial vehicle travelling from Vancouver (Tsawwassen) to the Southern Gulf Islands only
Standard, oversized or commercial vehicle travelling from the Southern Gulf Islands to Vancouver (Tsawwassen) only
Foot passengers
Foot passenger groups of 10+
Groups travelling with a bus
Comox (Little River) – Powell River (Westview)
Central Coast Connector and North Coast except travel from Bella Coola
Bella Coola only
Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii (Skidegate)
Group bookings only
The following routes are not bookable online and apply only to customers with a confirmed group booking.