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  Motorcycle travel is currently not included in the fare calculator. View motorcycle fares for all routes.
Experience Card rates are currently not included in the fare calculator. View Experience Card rates for all routes.

Fare calculator

Book sailings

March 2025
Book up to nine passengers online. To book 10 or more passengers, complete a group booking form.



Infants & children

BC Residents only


To allow us enough time to get you comfortably on board, arrive at least 60 minutes before your scheduled sailing.

Boarding assistance is based on order of arrival at the terminal and there is a low risk you may need to be placed on a later sailing to provide you with the assistance you need.


Vehicle details

Your vehicle details help us find space for you on board and your booking is only valid for your selected vehicle type and size.

Vehicles including cars, trucks, SUVs, vans, motorhomes and vehicles pulling trailers. Registered weight must be less than 5,500 kg GVW except for motorhomes.

Note: If your reserved vehicle height differs at check-in, your booking will not be honoured.

Vehicle height

Note: If your reserved vehicle length differs by more than 5 feet (1.5 meters) at check-in, your booking will not be honoured.

If your vehicle is more than 20 ft. long and over 9 ft. wide, call us to make a booking at 1-888-223-3779.

Vehicle length

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